Animals move from one farm to another and their movement cannot be controlled or stored like any other product. The manual process of data entering about the number of animals enters and exit from the farm is time consuming resulting in more possibilities of errors. RFID Technology is largely used nowadays to track and record animal information, where direct line-of-sight is not practical.
RFID based Animal Tracking and identification are used the world over to track history and movement of farm animals, zoo animals, and pet animals. It is necessary to maintain records regarding animal origin, health, nutrition, the threat of disease and so on. These records ensure timely and proper feeding, vaccinating and transferring of animals between farms. Manual data entry is time-consuming and prone to high errors. These challenges are overcome through the adoption of RFID technology which automates and quickens the process of feeding, weighing, disease control, subsidies, breeding practices as well as quality and traceability assurance. It also ensures accurate data recording and efficient animal management.
Benefits of using RFID tags for livestock management: