Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a powerful tool for waste collection, disposal, and management of waste, delivering different benefits to city governments and waste removal contractors. The technology enhances the efficiency of the waste management process. RFID encourages traceability and real-time visibility in waste management operations.

Omnia Technologies offers a broad spectrum of LF and UHF passive contactless transponders that provide various levels of resistance to water, shock, and temperature variation making the tags suitable for harsh and outdoor environments. Waste bins that have RFID tags fitted in them are picked up by disposal trucks equipped with RFID readers. These readers record the exact time and place every time a waste bin is emptied. This automatic data collection makes data reporting cheaper, faster and accurate.

How RFID Technology works for Waste Management:

RFID Tags are attached to the waste bin at every household in all regions. This RFID tag contains a unique Identification which represents each household’s customer information. Also a reader, antenna and scale are mounted on a garbage truck. The reader and antenna communicate with the RFID tags. The RFID tag, located on the cart, transmits its unique ID. The reader on the truck will receive this ID as each waste bin is emptied, weighs the bin. Data collected from the tags, which can be linked with a timestamp, type of container, weight of the container, truck’s identity, load description and customer information, can also be stored in the truck’s onboard computer and later transferred to a central waste management system for data processing or can be directly to a host computer.

Benefits of Waste Management using RFID Technology:

  • It helps track waste collection and container movement, monitors sorting quality, and improves overall efficiencies.
  • Quickens and simplifies the process of billing for services rendered and allows easy implementation of incentive programs
  • Enables municipalities to evaluate the performance of subcontractors and have unprecedented control of the waste-disposal process.